May 25, 2009


Ignorance a bliss ?

1. You don’t know that you don’t know.

2. You know that you don’t know.

3. You know that you know.

4. You don’t know that you know.

It is blissful to not know that we don’t know. But that’s only till we are in that phase of ignorance about the fact that we seem to know everything.

I dint know that it had take me a couple of backspaces and a good 5 minute thinking before I actually began the second paragraph of this writing. I was blissfully into the fact where I thought I was a natural with writing.

Now I know that the word pungent doesn’t mean disgusting but is overpowering and strong. Uneventful doesn’t always convey negative sense but means without any events worth describing. Haemorrhages don’t mean blood clots but spilling of blood from the vessels in the body which eventually might lead to clotting. It surely bombs your I-know-all when you get to know the corrections.

I know that I now know how memory competitions are won and Guinness records in recollecting hundreds of objects, words, numbers broken. It doesn’t seem that hard ;) all you got to do is to just read my next blog. COMING SOON.

The last one is where we don’t know that we know something, anything or say everything. Feels awesome when the myth gets broken!

Any citation to this one would spoil the awesomeness tagged to it. Rainbow

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