Jun 17, 2014

Of being 26, wise and otherwise.

HI! So it's been an year..what an year this has been! Figured out life, got married, got into the nighmarish "dream" course, moved out, and such stuff.
Although I 'still' love being what I'am profession wise, not a morning goes without hating going back to the hospital, dreading it, expecting the worse and planning to quit, staying home and being a good hindu housewife. Arrrrgh. I want juniors I say!
So this sums up..what I have been doing for the last one year..
(Why did I suddenly get a mood to share this boring stuff you ask? New laptop Yo! )


  1. Hey! First-year-of-PG woes :/
    Congratulations on all the good stuff!! :D
    Hope the new batch is posted asap.

    1. Hola Mrs. S S (;)) congrats to you too :D


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