can feel my breathing get regular,deeper and longer!
yay..finally into sleep..
No..this excitement isnt helping..breathing-Normal again.
Gotto sleep..!!Count sheep..maybe ?

1 2 3 4 5..55..77..i should seriously start reading for my clinicals,my roll number's 81 and its my case presentation..bah..i hate to think how amateur my whole case history starts to feel after the teaching guy starts fishing out the loop holes and differentials based on every single statement !
Beep** not working !
what is wrong !!! 5 more hrs left for the college to Start..including,the getting-ready-to-the-college part !
trying..trying !
ok..loo !
facing that wall makes me suffocated..really!
turn around! sleep sideways ?
this should be it.sleep time-3:30 am
deep breathing ! deeper..
am i asleep now ??
Pleassse..gimme some yawns,some sleep and some dreams!

is there anyways i can lend u some, from my looong hrs of sleep. nice 2 see ur blog...